Clients enter the virtual world
1 October 2018
Tritec Marine is now providing immersive virtual reality (VR) services to its clients, offering a more thorough understanding of the engineering solutions available to them.
Navigator Gas recently benefitted from the technology as part of an ongoing feasibility study for ballast water systems on its gas tankers Navigator Phoenix and Navigator Pegasus.
The VR environment provides the ability to re-configure a virtual ship space - such as an engine room - with different equipment, such as a ballast water system and associated piping.
Via a walk-through experience, the client can therefore better assess how new equipment will fit and potentially operate in the existing space.
George Mermiris, Technical Manager, Tritec Marine said: “The same approach can be used for any other modification or conversion that may become necessary for vessels, for example, scrubbers.
“The process allows the client to immerse themselves in the VR environment proceeding to a first-hand assessment of the configuration proposed by the Tritec Marine engineers. Contrary to that, the traditional approach would be based exclusively on 2D drawings with views, sections and elevations.”
Various systems of different makers can be positioned in the arrangement so that decisions from a day-to-day operations or shipyard installation perspective, can be made.
In turn, this allows for more accurate shipyard budgeting, a large part of which is related to piping and cabling.
George added: “The success of this project promotes an aspect of engineering (in the shipping and oil & gas markets) that is over and above the conventional services offered by our competitors.
“Having a head start with the technology can offer a very competitive advantage to Tritec Marine and its parent, the Northern Marine Group.”
Navigator Gas is a global leader in seaborne transportation of liquefied gases.
A number of its tankers are managed by Northern Marine Management (NMM) and crewed by Northern Marine Manning Services.
Geoff Ramsay, Fleet Manager, NMM, added: “As part of the preparations for the scheduled dry dockings in 2019 of Navigator Pegasus and Navigator Phoenix, NMM put out to tender to a number of companies for a feasibility study to be carried out for the installation of Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) on the vessels.
“Tritec Marine presented a very favourable quotation package in terms of cost and, more significantly, time in which to complete the study.
“The use of VR in presenting two short listed options was of great benefit. The ability to move around the engine room and view the BWTS in position, complete with all pipework, simplified the process immeasurably.
“This enabled us to instantaneously assess our options and their impact upon existing equipment and fittings.”